mandag 22. november 2010

Wandering girl


Young, lonesome, weak and kind

Her family stolen away

She feels trapped, locked in og hidden away!

Needs desperate love, respect and freedom

Fears for her life, for the whites and the strange, modern world

Gives food to yelling mouths and secret love to those who can afford

She wishes to see her family, her real friends and the unknown experience of freedom

In the dark garage


Nervik & Aamo 

fredag 29. oktober 2010

Day 3

Day 3
Today we are going to leave, but our plane doesn’t leave before 6 pm. Because we didn´t come home before 3 am last night, I did not wake up before 11 am, witch is no good because we just lost many hours of sightseeing.

First we visited “Söder” tower who is 86 meters high. We also had to take a look at the harbour. The harbour was pretty big, but not as large as the harbour in London. However we sat down on a café close to the water, so that we could feel the moods on harbour. I really got a look at how beautiful Stockholm´s architecture is. I also get amazed by all this open water.

I have experienced after that visit that the Swedish is just as busy as us. Now we had to find us a cab that could take us to the airport. At the Airport we sat for an hour waiting for our plane to start boarding.  

After the holiday it was back to school I had used every penny of my bank account. Now we are safely home and I can look back at this vacation as some of the most exiting vacations of my life. I would like to come back, but next time I think I’m going to visit Norway and it´s nature.

Day 2

Day 2
We found a little place called “Aprikosen”. It was really cheep and it had actually a good standard too. At 8.00 am we left Gothenburg with bus, we were heeding for Stockholm. The bus was full, but we luckily had found some seats, after five hours in the bus we were ready to see Stockholm. The first impression was great; people seemed so nice and gentle.

I was starving after the long bus ride without any food. We had to find a place to eat. It didn´t take long time before we found a café were we enjoyed a delightful sandwich with cheese. The café was really crowded, so the atmosphere was great. After eating lunch we went to the centrum of Stockholm. There were a lot of shops, but we weren´t her for shopping we can´t afford it.

Tonight was supposed to be the big night because we were going to a disco. We had to find a nice hotel to spend the night because we needed a good night sleep.

Todays travel fact: Stockholm is the capital of Sweden and has 1,25 million inhabitants. It´s a pretty big city compared with the number of inhabitants in Sweden witch is just 8 millions! Birger Jarl who was a Swedish Viking king founded Stockholm in 1252. Iron trade was important for the city in the early ages. Stockholm is placed on 13 different islands. The city is considered as the Nordic city with the most beautiful architecture. I is also the second most visited city in Scandinavia after Copenhagen.

Now we have returned from the disco. I had a really fun time; I met a girl called Eva Longeria she looks really good. She could not join us because she had to go home to USA, Hollywood. We have checked in on the hotel, and I am now going to sleep.

Day 1

The ferry added to the dock at 7 am this morning and I can admit that I was pretty tired. However the was spirit high. After leaving the ferry we had to find a place to eat breakfast. We were looking for a place with a Swedish breakfast, but it doesn´t seem like there are such thing. After a half hour of looking we settled at a place called “Asa Herregård.”  I enjoyed the breakfast, but it was maybe a bit expensive. After having enjoyed that excellent breakfast, we went on.

Our first stop was on Gothenburg historical museum. Todays travel fact: King Gustavus Adolfus founded Gothenburg in 1621. Gothenburg is the second biggest country in Sweden after Stockholm and it has about 800 000 inhabitants. Gothenburg has also been a Dutch property; because of the old city has a Dutch design. The city is the first place in Sweden where it was played an official football match. The best football team who plays their matches in Gothenburg today is called IFK Göteborg. The colour of their shirts is with and blue stripes.

After the visit at the museum we went up to the hills of Gothenburg. The view was astonishing. We met some other Englishmen there who took this picture . Anyhow, we had to move on, we planed to find a cheep place to spend the night, before taking the bus to Stockholm tomorrow.

On the travel: Sweden

Hi my name is Tobias Nervik and I live in England. I’m going to tell about my journey through Sweden. The travel lasted for 4 days. I travelled with my good friend Alexander Brojetsjev. We went by bus to London were we travelled with a ferry to Gothenburg.